Adding a Parameter to a Report

In this tutorial, we will review how to create a parameter for a report.

To add a parameter to filter your report based on a database value, follow the steps below.

  1. First, create a report and bind it to a data source.
  2. In the Field List window, right-click over the Parameters section and in the invoked menu, click Add Parameter. The Add New Parameter screen appears.

    Field list - Add Parameter

    Add New Parameter screen

    1. Name: Enter the name for the parameter in this field. When you are setting a database value for the parameter (String type or Date/Time type), the Parameter Name must match the database table name from the report view. This is found when the Field List tab in the Property Grid is selected and the Report View is selected and expanded. The screen example below show the database field names for the vRptIssues report view from IntelliTrack. If you want to create a data range (From/To), you must prepend the Parameter Name with a From/To.

    Report View

    Important: If the parameter name does not match a field name from the report view, the report will not be able to find the data when running the report in IntelliTrack.

    1. Description: Enter the description for this parameter in this field. This is the parameter field description that will appear in your report in IntelliTrack.
    2. Type: for a data value, click the drop-down arrow and select String; for a date/time value, click the drop-down arrow and select Date/Time.

    Add New Parameter screen

  3. Click OK to close the Add New Parameter screen. The parameter will appear in the Parameters list for this report.

Parameters list

  1. After the parameter is added to the list of parameters, it may be edited. To invoke the Parameter Collection Editor, right-click on the top-level parameter or any parameter in the list and click the Edit Parameters option.

Parameter Collection Edition screen

Site Properties Portion of the Screen

Parameter Behavior: the Visible setting should remain set to Yes so that the parameter field appears in your report.

Parameter Data: includes the parameter description that will appear for the parameter field in your report and the parameter data type.

Parameter Design: includes the parameter name that the report designer will reference when applying the parameter to your report.

Members Portion of the Screen

You may order the parameters by selecting a parameter from the list and moving it up or down with the respective arrow, which is found to the right. The order of the parameters as displayed when viewing the report in IntelliTrack.